*Very Rev. Fr. BonaChristus Umeogu |
There is some sort of spiritual revolution currently sweeping across the Catholic faith in Nigeria. This revolution is the fruit of the labours of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal which brought to the church in Nigeria, a new Pentecostal experience that has now grown in leaps and bounds.
There is some sort of spiritual revolution currently sweeping across the Catholic faith in Nigeria. This revolution is the fruit of the labours of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal which brought to the church in Nigeria, a new Pentecostal experience that has now grown in leaps and bounds.
When the Renewal gained ground in Nigeria, Catholics were
reported to be gathering in prayer groups to pray for the out-pouring of the
Holy Spirit, which they received with obvious charismatic gifts such as
speaking in tongues, prophecy, healing and so forth, an experience, which was
called “baptism in the Holy Spirit”. That experience is rather spreading across
the church especially in the South East like harmattan fire.
this new wave seems to be an attestation to the wise saying of Pope Paul VI in
1975 that “There is no true evangelization if the name, the teaching, the life,
the promises, the kingdom and the mystery of Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of God
are not proclaimed.”
this writer patiently waited to meet with Very Rev. Fr. BonaChristus Umeogu in
his office at Awka, a young Catholic priest walked in, ostensibly coming to the
prayer ground for the first time. He sat down and was attracted by the heaps of
books before him. Buried in the heaps of books are publications by Rev. Fr.
(Prof.) BonaChristus Uchenna Umeogu, founder of
the Communio Sanctorum Prayer
Ministry International, Umunya, Oyi Local Government Area of Anambra State.
the heaps of books are mainly publications on Philosophy and Theology. This is
not surprising going by the fact that Rev. Fr. (Prof.) Umeogu is a leading
light in the study of philosophy in Nigeria and beyond, and a priest of the
Catholic Archdiocese of Onitsha.
by the richness of the books he saw in his office, the visiting young priest
(who equally passed through four years of Philosophy and another four years of
Theology in the Seminary, where Catholic priests undergo their formation) said:
“This man is a genius; and it is amazing how he combines his primary
responsibilities as a priest of God with writing of highly intellectual and
academic books. We seem not to know who this man is. But his type is seldom
found in a given generation. For me, Fr. BonaChristus is a blessing to our
in philosophy circles as a 'philosopher par excellence' and a ‘god of
philosophical sobriety, ‘Rev. Fr. (Prof.) BonaChristus Umeogu once served as
the Head of Department of Philosophy of the Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka,
Anambra State.
Sanctorum (Communion of the Saints) Ministry was established over a decade ago
by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit operating through Rev. Fr. (Prof.) BonaChristus
Umeogu, and is meant to cater for the spiritual and physical well being of
God's people. It's an adoration cum prayer ministry aimed at bringing people to
commune with the saints so as to bring down God’s blessings on mankind.
true to type, the prayer ministry has been bringing down God’s blessings on
mankind going by the number of people -Christians and non-Christians alike that
throng the prayer venues in Awka and Umunya every Wednesday,Thursday and Friday
in search of God’s unmerited blessings and favours.
by testimonies and testimonials of devotees of the prayer ministry, Fr. Bona
(as he is popularly known) has been committed to battling the spiritual and
physical emancipation of men and women under the bondage and hostage of demonic
forces represented by unseen principalities and powers.
who is Rev. Fr. (Prof.) BonaChristus Uchenna Umeogu?
encounter with this renowned man of God reveals a lot about a man that is
endowed with humility, wisdom and knowledge of what life is all about. He is
indeed a rare mix of natural wisdom and encyclopedic knowledge, a priest of
great intelligentsia and extraordinary cerebral prowess but with total
commitment to and dependence in God.
as being simply and truly an encyclopedia of knowledge, a thesaurus of esoteric
wisdom that is hidden away from mere mortals, and a dictionary of practical
methodologies, Very Rev. Fr. BonaChristus Umeogu is a guru who knows his
spiritual onions, and hardly says what he cannot do, or does what he cannot
his existential tribute to the indefatigable Fr. Umeogu, Man in Christ,
Obiajulu Mulumba, a licensed philosopher and metaphysicist prologued thus:
“Behold a genius and a pedagogue, a legend, who ‘stole’ fire from the gods,
sees philosophy education from the lens of experience, the experience of
further noted, “BonaChristus is charged by the over-powering power, the
preponderant power of a being of whom nothing greater than can be conceived
with the responsibility of rekindling the ancient flame of wisdom in Igboland.
Thus, he can be said to have stolen fire from the gods like Prometheus, the
ancient legend.
occupation of the spiritual porch becomes a source of strength in handling
secular matters and placing them where they belong. He has a mood for each
thing he desires to do. The moods select themselves automatically as time
specifies. This is as a result of many years of self-discipline and formation.”
from being a Catholic Priest, Very Rev. Fr. (Prof.) BonaChristus Umeogu is also
an academic, lecturing at the Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka, Nigeria. The
Communio Sanctorum Ministry was founded by him as a Catholic ministry within
the University chaplaincy, though it has now grown beyond the University and
has become a full ministry within the Catholic Archdiocese of Onitsha, Nigeria.
has also conceived the idea of bridging Igbo-African cultures with modern-day
realities through the establishment of an Igbo-African University. Towards the
realisation of this, and in support of the Ministry, he has authored so many
books including Igbo University, University of Jesus Christ among
numerous others.
is widely believed that there is hardly any area of human endeavour that
borders on Igbo life and philosophies which Fr. Umeogu has not dealt on under
the umbrella of Igbo University. “His conception of Igbo Mahadum suggests that
Igbo people have inexhaustible world of knowledge which can only be interpreted
in terms of their native philosophies,” Obiajulu wrote.
Muo na Madu by his followers, the charismatic priest has touched
so many lives through his programmes in both Awka, Umunya and of course, the
Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka. In his adoration ministry, he has continued to
bridge the gap between man’s spiritual and physical planes. There are
verifiable proofs and testimonies to the fact that the heavenly and earthly are
reconciled in these two prayer grounds.
both the prayer meetings at Awka and Umunya, there were testimonies from
adherents who testified to the miracles of blessings, healings and deliverances
they received from God through Rev. Fr. BonaChristus Umeogu. In fact, one of
them testified to having urinated kidney stone following prayers he received at
Communio Sanctorium Prayer Ministry. This was after unsuccessful medical trips
to numerous hospitals in Nigeria.
Mulumba further explains: “The Communio Sanctorum Ministry has shattered the
pillars of darkness of existential unbeliefs manifested by the reign of satan,
wisdom of satan, with its preponderant influence over and against the modern
man, overtly evident in modern fashion parades, alternative sex habit (life
styles), satanic lyrics or symbols in liturgical music and others, spiritual
experiences offered by the occult, and others too numerous to mention.
Rev, Fr. BonaChristus is now a sentinel around and before the Blessed
Sacrament. He prays, praises, intercedes and obtains from the father greater
growth in the Christian way of life. He employs himself in reparation for the
sins of mankind and intercedes for peace in the world. Personal holiness,
through his participation in the sacraments, is his goal.”
Unubi, Nnewi born priest is described as a torch-bearer for the Igbo nation, an
image maker for the continent of Africa, a god in human form, repositionist of
the moribund image of Ndigbo in the world. He is a man with many sided parts,
variegated qualities of immortal and mortal.
the Ojenamuo had a thanksgiving service at the St. Theresa Catholic
Church, Umunya for his elevation to the status of a Professor of Philosophy of
the very reputable Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka. The avalanche of goodwill
messages that attended the thanksgiving service is a testimony of how exactly
Fr. BonaChristus Umeogu is valued, cherished and appreciated across Nigeria.
Rev. Fr. Dr. BonaChristus Umeogu enjoys putting smiles on people’s faces, by
encouraging them to discover their hidden and untapped talents as they get
close to their God, through praises, worship and adoration that bring down
unlimited blessings upon mankind.
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