Thursday, April 2, 2015

talkingpoint: Ndigbo, Push Has Come To Shove

By CHUKWUDI URUAKPA, 08052326076

“Future generations are not going to ask you about your political party divide. They are going to ask you what you did when you knew the glaciers were melting.”
-Martin Sheen
Ndigbo as the 2015 general elections gather steam, you don’t need a soothsayer to tell you that the season of politicking is here again. It is the season of speech making, long convoys, renting crowds, praise singing, visiting party secretariats, making friends, making promises and telling of lies. Some have and some are about to go and consult their prophets, diviners, pastors etc.
They will tell you they were pressurized to contest as if they listen to anyone else except themselves and their inordinate ambitions. Some have already borrowed money, in possession of forged certificates and already bought degrees all in a bid to satisfy themselves.
In whose interest are all these happening? Ndigbo, let none of these heart breakers and pretenders deceive you all anymore. Their business is to win elections by hook or by crook in order to settle down pretty into the business of unprecedented looting and wasting of the people’s commonwealth. To attain power is to obtain an automatic license to mint money and acquire unbelievable
We are not likely to find saints in politics today but the task of making sure that each Eastern state grows effectively is the task of all and sundry in their various states. Ndigbo, there’s need to make sure that we don’t regret our actions after the elections.
I must say here that the clamour for stomach infrastructure by some people is not the same as agitation for improved welfare of Ndigbo. It is borne out of the short-sightedness by some Igbos who believe that life is all about today and they forget about what happens tomorrow.
We must not tilt towards the revamping of the stomach because if we do, then we are in for a worst image and reputation from some quarters. I must also admonish Ndigbo not to get themselves involved in what I call “agbata ekee” politics.
Agbata ekee is an Igbo expression that talks about the practice of sharing things gotten through theft, deceit and other negative means. Agbata ekee will never give room for effective leadership because it breeds corruption.
Some people sell their votes for ephemeral satisfaction which ought not to be. I am very conscious of the fact that Ndigbo in their various states are indeed yearning for improved standard of living, effective security of lives and properties etc.
As a patriotic Easterner with conscience, I cannot fall into the gripping hands of political entrepreneurs, whose spirit of opportunism and self-centeredness are the propelling forces behind their quest for power.
We should be aware of those who have exploited the various states through godfatherism and heavy burden of taxes, those who have placed and those intending to place their wives, children, in-laws, concubines and cronies into the different political offices thereby seeing themselves as demi-gods.
Our leaders to-be must be ready to stare the gods of godfatherism, of small-mindedness, of unbridled corruption and tell them, no, I won’t bow at your altar, I won’t recite your catechism. I will do what is good for the state.
On the issue of godfathers, I am no longer under any delusion or illusion that this crazy trend and evil pattern will end very soon.
Ndigbo, I will urge you all to apply caution in your dealings because the crab mentality of politicians will indeed come to play and some of them are already surrounded by hawks and caged into dungeon that nothing good would come from them if elected into office.
Ndigbo should go to their various voting centres to vote for candidates of their choice, monitor their votes and also make sure they are counted properly. Also, as we get set to elect our leaders, let us vote for those that can be propelled by issues that are greater than personal gains. For people not to cry blue murder tomorrow, the time to act is now.
In my opinion, what we should be looking for in our public officials is passion, competence, a reputation for integrity and the ability to speak the truth to power, even from the inside.
Ndigbo should vote for those who will tell us the truth to our face; who can taunt us, hunt us, spite us with the truth. Let us also vote for those willing to intensify efforts at ameliorating the sufferings of the people and if otherwise, when crime and criminality increase, the people are driven to the walls with no hope.
Leaders don’t dash hope, they inspire it. If we are voting for conscience, it is good we vote so as to get it right. Push has indeed come to shove. But do we have the intensity individually to pull the chestnut out of the fire?
Ndigbo, can we? Let’s go there!!!

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